Embedding underpinning mechanisms for data reuse and reproducibility in bioscience - The ISA examplar behind the PDF
I presented a talk within the Visions session at the Force11 Beyond the PDF 2 - 2013 conference.
The abstract of my talk is available in the Force11 website and included below, together with the slides.
Embedding underpinning mechanisms for data reuse and reproducibility in bioscience
Ability to enrich the experimental descriptions: tick; integrations with existing analysis tools (e.g. GenomeSpace, Galaxy, R/BioConductor): tick; conversions to other community and public database formats: tick; ability to share ontology-based representations of provenance: tick; provisions for querying, visualize and ‘publish’ experimental descriptions (e.g. in GigaScience/GigaDB): tick. With the ISA tools (isa-tools.org) and its community (isacommons.org) we strive to implements all necessary mechanisms to support reuse and reproducibility of biological experiments. More work is still ahead of us, yet we can already illustrate successful stories and are keen to collaboratively tackle challenges such reproducibility ‘certification’.